The Fontana Municipal Court is a separate entity of the Village government and is independent of the Police Department.

Municipal Court is held at the Village Hall at 175 Valley View Drive (Highway 67). Court is held on the second and fourth Thursday evening of each month at 5:00 PM, with the exception of November and December, when it is held only on the second Thursday. If you were issued a citation, your citation will either be marked “appearance required” or “appearance NOT required”. If your citation is marked “appearance NOT required”, you do not have to attend court; however, you must either pay the fine prior to the court date or notify the court you wish to plead not guilty and have a trial date set. If you fail to pay or appear you will be found guilty by default, and a warrant will be issued and/or your license to drive will be suspended.

Any questions about the Municipal Court should be directed to the Clerk of Courts at (262) 275-5633, or by


Payment Options for traffic or municipal citations, NOT PARKING CITATIONS.


Municipal Court Staff

Name and Title E-Mail Address
Thomas Sullivan, Municipal Court Judge
Jan Armonda, Municipal Court Clerk