The Village adopted the updated Comprehensive Plan on January 6, 2020. As a dynamic community facing various growth issues, the Village expects to receive requests for Plan amendments in the coming years, well before the next ten-year update in 2030. To provide a manageable, predictable, and cost effective process, the Village has established a single plan amendment cycle every year.
Resolution No. 032921-01 passed in March 2021, serves to establish an annual schedule for considering Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Each year, requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan must be filed no later than August 1.
The Village Clerk will accept applications for 2023 Plan amendments from June 27th through August 1st.
The procedures to adopt or amend a Comprehensive Plan are defined under Section 66.1001(4), Wisconsin Statutes. The Village process needs to follow these requirements. The timeline on the following page presents a process to allow for plan amendment requests, consider amendments, and to proceed through the adoption procedures in compliance with the State Statutes.
This approach features a combined meeting of the Plan Commission and Village Board.
During the meeting:
1. The Village Board holds a Public Hearing on the requested Plan amendments; and
2. The Plan Commission considers Plan amendment requests and public testimony, and then adopts a resolution making a specific recommendation on each of the requested Plan amendments to the Village Board.
At a subsequent meeting of the Village Board, the Board will consider the Plan Commission’s recommendations, vote on motions for each requested Plan amendment, and finally, adopt an ordinance to officially adopt the Plan amendments per their individually voted motions.
This combined meeting approach allows for the Plan Commission and Board to hear the same public testimony, prior to the Plan Commission’s recommendation, and the Board’s actions.
To submit an application, please download it here:
Comp Plan Amendment Application-2023