Voter registration drives will increase in 2020. These organizations are not affiliated with the Village of Fontana and while most organizations are legitimate, this is also an area of opportunity for scammers. Be aware that voter registration requires personal information such as your date of birth and driver license number. Never give personal information to anyone you don’t know and trust. The safest means to register to vote includes the following:
- Online at the MyVote Wisconsin:
- By mail (complete the voter registration form):
- Mail with Proof of Residency to: Village Clerk, 175 Valley View Drive, PO Box 200, Fontana, WI 53125
- In-person at your Municipal Clerk’s Office: Open M-F, 8am-4pm
- In-person at your polling location on Election Day: 7am-8pm
Note: All options require acceptable proof of residency. For additional information on acceptable Proof of Residency: