Archive for January, 2020
Voter Registration Drives – Beware!
Voter registration drives will increase in 2020. These organizations are not affiliated with the Village of Fontana and while most organizations are legitimate, this is also an area of opportunity […]
Updated 2019 Village of Fontana Comprehensive Plan
On January 6, 2020, the Village Board adopted an amendment to the 2019 Comprehensive Plan. The amendment involves changing the future land use category shown for parcel tax key number […]
Updated 2020 Garbage and Recycling Pick Up Schedule
The 2020 garbage and recycling schedule for the Village of Fontana will remain split between Monday and Tuesday. Recycling pickup will now be the same day as garbage pickup for […]
Village Trustee and Municipal Judge Candidates
For a current list of candidate tracking for the 2020 Spring Election, CLICK HERE. Candidates may file up until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.