DateMonthly Meeting
08/19/2024Monthly MeetingAgenda
07/17/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal
06/19/2027Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal
05/22/2024Special MeetingAgendaFinal
05/15/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal
04/17/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal
03/20/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal
02/21/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFInal
01/03/2024Monthly MeetingAgendaFinal

Disclaimer: The agendas, meeting minutes, notices and postings on this site are for convenience purposes only and may not represent the most current version. Therefore, they are not considered the official copy nor should they be considered a legal representation of the official copy. If you require a copy of the official version of one of these documents, please contact the Village Clerk’s office.