Here you can review ordinances passed in 2024 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
July | 070824-01 | An Ordinance Amending Repealing Section 18-216(b)(1), Amending Section 18-216(e), and Amending Section 18-166(b) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
June | 061024-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-281 No Parking Specific Areas of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
April | 040824-02 | An Ordinance Creating Chapter 42, Article V, Sections 42-151 to Sections 42-160 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Relating to Residency Restrictions for Sex Offenders |
April | 040824-01 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 54 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
March | 032524-02 | An Ordinance Amending a General Development Plan as Set Forth in Ordinance 071023-02 for the Project Known as The Residences of Geneva Lake Condominiums |
March | 032524-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-65(j) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
February | 021224-03 | The Ordinance amends the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake’s Municipal Code. This amendment repeals and recreates Section 22-10 regarding all situations and circumstances where the village police, fire, rescue, or the department of public works, responds to a request for its professional assistance and causes the equipment and/or the personnel of the village departments to respond and the appropriate collection of fees for such services. |
February | 021224-02 | The Ordinance repeals and recreates Section 18-108(b) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake’s Municipal Code. This amendment provides for a mechanism to be put in place for the updating of the Village’s official zoning map and district boundaries when consulting with the SEWRPC maps. |
February | 021224-01 | The Ordinance repeals and recreates figures 18-27 through 18-39 as well as 18-41, 18-42, 18-81, and 18-82 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake’s Municipal Code. This amendment provides for cleanup of the code and provides for better consistency between the figures and the language in the code. |
January | 010824-01 | A Ordinance amending the Village of Fontana's Zoning Ordinance with the accompanying zoning map |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2023 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
December | 121123-02 | Ordinance Amending Section 78-254 Regarding Sewer Use Fees and Residential Rates for the Village of Fontana |
December | 121123-01 | Ordinance Amending Chapter 2-37 Regarding Changing the Village of Fontana Monthly Board Meetings from the First Monday of the Month to the Second Monday of the Month |
November | 111323-04 | Ordinance Amending Section 54-161(d)(5) Regarding Parking Lot Fees for Village of Fontana |
November | 111323-03 | An ordinance amending Section 74-283 regarding resident only parking in the Village of Fontana. |
November | 111323-02 | An ordinance creating Section 18-211(n) and amending Sections 18-27(m), 18-29(m), 18-30(m), 18-31(m), 18-32(m), 18-33(m), 18-34(m), 18-35(m), 18-36(m), 18-37(m), 18-38(m), 18-39(m), 18-41(m), and 18-42(m) regarding sidewalk setbacks in the Village of Fontana. |
November | 111323-01 | An ordinance adopting the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Levy and appropriating the necessary funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations for the Village of Fontana for the 2024 Fiscal Year |
October | 103023-01 | An ordinance adopting amendments to the Village of Fontana’s Comprehensive Plan pertaining to its future land use map. |
October | 100923-01 | An Ordinance Creating Sections 18-65(I) and 18-38(f)(10) and amending Section 18-54 of the Village of Fontana's Code Book Regarding Temporary Parking Standards Within the Village Center Zoning District in the Village of Fontana |
August | 080723-03 | An Ordinance Creating Section 54-169 Regarding the Transportation/Removal of Aquatic Invasive Species |
August | 080723-02 | An Ordinance Amending Limited Tree Cutting and Shrubbery Clearing |
August | 080723-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ch. 78 PSC Water Service Charge Rates |
July | 071023-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance and Accompany Zoning Map |
July | 071023-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance and Accompany Zoning Map |
May | 050123-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-56(g), Repealing Section 18-57(d) Amending Sections 18-27, 18-36, 18-37, 18-38, 18-39, 18-41, 18-42 and 18-54 Table of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 050123-01 | An Ordinance Amending No. 8-1-88-1, Planned Development Zoning for the Clear Sky Lodge Condominium Project |
March | 030623-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Figures 18-331 thorugh 18-337 and 18-339 through 18-347 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
February | 020623-02 | An Ordinance Amending Communication Tower Ordinances as set forth in Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
February | 020623-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Article XVI. Extraterritorial Zoning, Sections 18-300 through 18-399, of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2022 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010422-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Sewer Use Rates |
February | 020722-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Part I |
February | 020722-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Part II |
March | 030722-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-234 Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Fontana On Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
March | 030722-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-28 Lakefront Residential (LR-0) District of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
March | 030722-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-199 General Provisions of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
March | 030722-04 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-161(d)(5) Parking Lot Fees of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
March | 031722-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Article VIII Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance Part I |
March | 031722-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Article VIII Flood Plain Zoning Ordinance Part II |
May | 050222-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14-65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
May | 050222-02 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-92 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-On-Geneva Lake |
May | 050222-03 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14-96(f) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 051222-01 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Sections 34-76 Through 34-78 and Repealing Sections 34-79 Through 34-97 of the Municipal Code for The Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 051222-02 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 2-435 and Repealing Section 2-436 of the Municipal Code for The Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 051222-03 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Division 9, Employee Board of Appeals, Sections 2-391 Through 2-415 of the Municipal Code of The Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
July | 070522-01 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 42-48 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for Loud and Unnecessary Noise |
July | 070522-02 | Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance and the Accompanying Zoning Map |
July | 070522-03 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-249 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding the Requirements for Issuance of Zoning Permits |
August | 080122-01 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 42-44(1) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090622-01 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 42-41 of the Municipal Code for The Village of Fontan-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090622-02 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-177, Tree Preservation Requirements, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090622-03 | Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-227(b) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100322-01 | Ordinance Amending section 54-86 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
December | 120522-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2023 Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake for the 2023 Fiscal Year |
December | 120522-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-1(a) of the Municipal Code for The Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2021 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 020121-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-84(7) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake regarding Accessory Structure Setback Intrusions |
March | 030121-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 2-496 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Relating to the Destruction and Preservation of Public Records |
April | 040521-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Sewer Use Rates |
May | 050321-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-56(g) and Creating Section 18-56(56(g) through (gggg), Deleting Section 18-57(d), and Amending Sections 18-27, 18-36, 18-37, 18-38, 18-39, 18-41, 18-42, and 18-54 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
August | 080221-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-84(7)b., of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100421-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 30-5 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Designation of New Municipal Election Wards |
October | 100421-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-60(c) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100421-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-227(c) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Noise |
November | 110121-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 18-65(j), Temporary Storage Racks for Non-Motorized Watercraft, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
November | 112921-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2022 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2022 Fiscal Year |
December | 120621-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 66-5(b)(5) and Creating Section 66-5(b)(5)(a) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
December | 120621-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14-65.-Fees for Building Permits and Inspections of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
December | 120621-03 | An Ordinance to Regulate Environmental Features |
December | 120621-04 | An Ordinance Creating Section 18-65(j) Temporary Land Uses-Food Trucks and Modifying 18-65(b) Temporary Outdoor Sales of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2020 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010620-01 | Ordinance to Adopt Amendments to the 2019 Village of Fontana Comprehensive Plan |
March | 030220-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-249(d) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Time Limits on Zoning Permits; Permit Extensions |
March | 032020-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14-67 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Permit Lapes |
July | 070620-01 | An Ordinance Amending a General Development Plan Approved as a Part of Ordinance No. 090418-01 |
July | 070620-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-246 Regarding Conditional Use Permit |
July | 070620-03 | Repealing and Recreating Article XII-Signage Standard, Repealing and Recreating Definitions and Adding Definitions to Section 18-13 |
July | 070620-04 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 050119-01 |
November | 112320-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2021 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2021 Fiscal Year |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2019 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010719-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-94(a)(b), 78-95(a), 78-96(a)(b). and 78-97 of the Fontana -on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Authorized Fontana Water Utility Rates and the Water Service Rules Pursuant to Docket 2020-WQ-106 of the Public Service Commission Dated November 6, 2018 |
February | 030519-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-13-Definitions, 18-38-Village Center (VC) District, 18-39- Community Business and Section 18-56-Commercial Land Uses of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Outdoor Boat Display and Sales |
March | 030519-02 | Am Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
March | 030519-03 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
March | 030519-04 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 54-163, Commercial Launches, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
April | 040419-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-40-Resort Business (RB) Districts, Section 18-56-Commercial Lane Uses, Section 18-54-Tables of Land Uses, and Section 18-64-Accessory Land Uses of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 050119-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Sctions 18-13, 18-210 and 18-229, and Creating Section 18-229 Regarding Preservation of Existing Grade |
May | 050119-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-86 Pier Permit Required |
June | 060119-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-246- Conditional Use Permit of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
June | 060119-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 78-3 Regarding A Water and Sewer Credit Policy |
August | 080519-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-10 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Overtime Parking |
August | 080519-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-124 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090919-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 6-3 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090919-02 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Article XVI Extra Territorial Zoning of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Bed and Breakfasts |
September | 090919-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-56 (i)-Bed and Breakfast Establishment-Land Use Regulations Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090919-04 | An Ordinance Establishing a 10% Administrative Fee as the Permits Issues Pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Fontana Municipal Code |
October | 100219-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 10-6 Restrictions on Keeping of Dogs |
November | 110419-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-40. (IV)(d)(3) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
November | 110419-02 | An Ordinance Amending Article I Section 18-13, Definitions |
November | 110419-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-253(e) and Section 18-253(f) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
November | 110419-04 | Ordinance to Adopt the 2019 Village of Fontana Comprehensive Plan |
December | 120919-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2020 Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2020 Fiscal Year |
December | 120919-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-13 and Creating Section 18-172(8) Regarding the Use of Permeable Serfaces |
December | 120919-03 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2018 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 021218-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-301 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding All-Night Parking |
February | 021218-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-301 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding All-Night Parking |
February | 021218-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 78-94 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake REgarding Water Service Rates; General Service-Metered |
March | 030518-01 | an Ordinance Creating Section 18-40.IV.(d)(3) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
March | 030518-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-40.I.(i)(1), and Creating Appendices A, B, C and D to Section 18-40 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Resort Business (RB) District |
March | 030518-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-153(a)(4) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Shoreland-Wetland Zoning District |
March | 030518-04 | an Ordinance Amending Section 18-38 Regarding Village Center (VC) District and 18-110 Regarding Lakeshore (LS) Overlay Zoning District of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
March | 030518-05 | an Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 17-7(c)(9) and Renumbering Section 17-7(c)(9)f. to Section 17-7(c)(9)i. of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
April | 040918-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14-65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
April | 040918-02 | an Ordinance Amending Section 78-202(e) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Building Sewers and Connections |
April | 040918-03 | an Ordinance Amending Charter Ordinance Section 1-4 Bond of Village Clerk and Section 1-29 Bond of Village Treasurer of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
April | 040918-04 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Section 26-1.- Municipal Judge of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
May | 050718-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-259 as to the Rules of Procedure; Meeting Date and Place of the Board of Review and Adding Section 2-261 Confidentiality of Information |
June | 061118-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-335(b) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding A-5, ETZ Rural Residential (A-5, ETZ) District |
June | 061118-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-13 Regarding Definitions and 18-56(s) Regarding Tourist Rooming House and 18-64(x) Regarding Tourist Rooming House and 18-346(d) Redarging Zoning Districts, and Section 18-54 Regarding Table of Land Uses of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana on-Geneva Lake |
July | 070218-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-93 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Regarding Non-Conforming and Substandard Lots |
August | 020121-01 | Ordinance Adopting an Amendment to the Village of Fontana Comprehensive Plan |
August | 080618-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
August | 080618-03 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-283 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Resident Only Parking |
August | 083018-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-12 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Pay to Park Overtime Penalties |
September | 090418-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
September | 090418-02 | An Ordinance Amending Minimum Landscape Surface Area Requirements in the SR-5 and NB Zoning Districts and Amending Section 18-72 |
October | 100118-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 54-86(b), Section 54-125(a)(2), Section 54-86(a)(1) and Section 54-125(a)(1) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100118-01 | Attachment |
October | 100118-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14-65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
October | 100118-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 17-5(8) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Procedure for Dividing Land |
December | 120318-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2019 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2019 Fiscal Year |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2017 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 020617-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-55 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Obstructing/Interfering with Government Services or Employees |
February | 020617-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-94(a)(b), 78-96(a)(b), and 78-97 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Authorized Fontana Water Utility Rates and the Water Service Rules Pursuant to Dicket 2020-WQ-105 of the Public Service Commission dated July 25, 2016 |
March | 030617-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-13 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Impervious Surface |
May | 050117-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-2211(j) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Access Standards, Distance from Property Line |
June | 060117-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 54-86 and 54-87 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Pier Permits |
June | 060517-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Amending the Plumbing: Residential and Commercial Building and Inspection Fee for Water Connection |
July | 071017-01 | An Ordinance Amending Joint Uniform Lake Ordinance of Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin |
July | 071017-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-281 Specific Areas of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Parking |
July | 071017-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-12, 18-13, Figure 18-37, Figure 18-38, Figure 18-39, Figure 18-41, Figure 18-42, Section 18-72(3), Section 18-72(3), Figure 18-82 and Section 18-245(e)(3)c.14 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Floor Area Ratio |
August | 080717-01 | An Ordinance Removing Section 18-24(n) and 18-246(o) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Conditional Use Permits |
November | 110617-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-161 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Pier Permits |
November | 110617-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-281 Specific Areas of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Parking |
December | 120417-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2018 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2018 Fiscal Year |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2016 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
March | 030716-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-38(b), 18-38(m) and 18-82 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Village Center Zoning District Principal Land Uses Permitted by Right; Density, Intensity and Bulk Regulations; and Minimum Landscape Ratio |
March | 030716-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-28(m) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Maximum Building Coverage in the Lakefront Residential (LR-0) District |
March | 030716-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-229 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Performance Standards Exemptions |
March | 030716-04 | An Ordinance Creating Section 18-83(c), Amending Sec. 18-249(b), and Creating Sec. 78-41 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Utility Setbacks and Easements for Public Lines |
March | 030716-05 | An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Chapter 2, Division 9- Public Safety Board of Appeals, Sections 2-391 through 2-394, Changing Name to Employee Board of Appeals |
March | 030716-06 | an Ordinance Creating Section 54-43(e) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding the Joint Lake Ordinance Additional Safety Regulations and Rules |
April | 041116-06 | An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Section 54-126(d)(3)(e), Assignment of Mooring Buoys Within the Village DMA |
May | 050516-01 | An Ordinance Creating An Imposition of Weight Limit for Fontana Boulevard Bridge |
June | 061316-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 42-7(a) Open Intoxicants in Public Places Prohibited |
August | 080116-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-257(d) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Violations and Penalties; Enforcement of Violations |
August | 080116-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Section 74-383 Regarding Restricted Streets |
September | 090216-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 42-1 Offenses Against State Law as Subject to Forfeiture |
October | 100316-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Section 42-49(a) Regarding Alarms |
November | 112116-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2017 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva lake for the 2017 Fiscal Year |
November | 112116-02 | An Ordinance Creating Chapter 17 Requirement for Review of Lot Line Adjustments |
November | 112116-03 | An Ordinance Creating Division 13, Sections 2-447 to 2-452, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Establishing a Local Tourism Commission |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2015 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 020215-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 2-435(2)C. of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
February | 020215-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-13 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Building Height |
March | 1030215-01 | An Ordinance Amending Accessory Structure Setback Requirements |
March | 030215-02 | An Ordinance Section 74-2 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding All-Terrain Vehicles State Statutes |
March | 030215-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 34-79 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Selection of Officers |
April | 040615-01 | An Ordinance Ameding Sections 42-122(a), (b), and (c)(1) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Use of Cigarettes, Tobacco Products |
May | 050415-01 | An Ordinance Repealing a 35 Acre Per Dwelling Unit Density Requirement For Extraterritotial Plats Pursuant to Section 17-57(7) of the Land Division Regualtions for the Village of Fontana-0n-Geneva Lake |
May | 050415-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
June | 060115-01 | Am Ordinance Amending Section 6-22 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Hours of Sale for Liquor Licenses |
July | 070815-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 6-21(2)(e) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva lake Regarding Hours for Outdoor Alcoholic Beverage Sales |
July | 070815-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-14(c) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Non-Moving Violation for Disobeying Official Traffic Sign |
August | 080315-01 | An Ordinance Creating Sec. 42-121 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Synthetic Marijuana |
August | 080315-02 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter2, Division 4-Board of Review, Regarding Allowances of Alternative Forms of Sworn Testimony at Hearings and Other Amendments |
September | 090115-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 54-161(d)(9)b of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090115-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-281(p) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Regarding No Parking in Specific Areas of the Village |
October | 101315-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
October | 101315-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-86(b) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Regarding Surveys for Mooring Permit Applications |
November | 102315-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2016 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2016 Fiscal Year |
November | 112315-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 14-69 and 18-253(c) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Regarding Appeals to the Board of Appeals and Variance Applications |
November | 112315-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-13 and Creating Sections 18-400 to 18-402 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Regarding Property Maintenance Ordinance Definitions and Requirements |
November | 112315-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-13 and Creating Sections 18-400 to 18-402 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana Regarding Property Maintenance Ordinance Definitions and Requirements |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2014 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010614-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-1(3) and 26-1(b) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding the Term Length of the Municipal Court Judge |
July | 070714-02 | An Ordinance Section 18-40 III.(c)(4), Principal Land Uses Permitted by Right, to Authorize the Addition of Subsection 18-56(s), "Tourist Rooming House." |
July | 070714-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Chapter 18, Article VIII, Floodplain Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Adopt New DNR Model Ordinance and Updated FIRM Effective Dates |
August | 080414-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sec. 42-42 of the Municipal Code Regarding Bow and Crossbow Hunting in the Village |
September | 090814-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sec. 2-60 Through 2-68 of the Municipal Code Regarding Village Board Committees |
November | 112414-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2015 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2015 Fiscal Year |
December | 120114-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2013 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
April | 040813-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 19-203 and 19-205 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Peddler's and Transient Merchant's License Fees |
June | 060313-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-7(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Open Intoxicants in Public Places Prohibited |
July | 072213-01 | An Ordinance Consolidating Fire Operations and Rescue Squad Operations |
August | 080513-01 | An Ordinance Revising Chapter 34 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
August | 080513-02 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 Related to the Planned Development Zoning in Place for the Abbey Springs Development |
August | 080513-03 | An Ordinance Further Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 Related to the Planned Development Zoning for the Abbey Springs Development |
September | 090913-01 | An Ordinance Creating Article 16 of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Walworth County Wisconsin |
September | 090913-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 46-1, 54-161(a) and 74-51, & Creating Section 46-2 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Village Park Definitions |
October | 100713-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-542(a), 18-53(m), and 18-546(c)(2) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100713-02 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Sections 18-110(d)(3), 18-110(d)(6)e., and 19-92 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
November | 111113-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2014 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2014 Fiscal Year |
November | 111113-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 10-6(b) of the Municipal Code Regarding Dogs and the Removal of Fecal Matter |
November | 111113-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-110(d)(6)e of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding the Date Range for Removal of Temporary Sunshade Structures |
November | 111113-04 | An Ordinance Creating Sections 18-229.1 to 18-229.13, Construction Site Erosion Control Regulations; Repealing and Recreating Section 18-13, Introduction to Definitions; Repealing and Recreating Section 18-199(a); and Repealing and Recreating Section 18-200(b) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2012 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 020612-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 6-8(h) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake General Ordinances |
February | 020612-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-126 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Regulations Applicable to Mooring |
February | 020612-03 | An Ordinance to Extend a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Rezone, Land Division and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications on Village Properties |
April | 040212-01 | an Ordinance Creating Division 12, Sections 2-440 to 2-446, of the Municipal code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Establishing a Local Business Committee |
May | 050712-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 54-161(d)(5)(a)(1), 54-161(d)(5)(a)(4), 74-11, 74-12, 74-16 and 74-321 of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Pay to Park Program |
May | 050712-02 | an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 080188-1, Planned Development Zoning for the Clear Sky Lodge Condominium Project |
May | 050712-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding Sewer use Rates |
May | 050712-04 | An Ordinance Creating Section 78-70 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake General Ordinances Regarding Water Softener Regulations |
July | 070912-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 6-21 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Outdoor Service of Alcohol |
July | 070912-02 | An Ordinance Creating Chapter 16 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Adopting a Storm Water Management and Erosion Control Ordinance |
July | 070912-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding New Building and Inspection Fees |
July | 070912-04 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-22 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding WI DOT Trans 305 Standards for Vehicle Equipment |
July | 070912-05 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-54 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Unfounded 911 Calls |
July | 070912-06 | An Ordinance Creating Section 54-161(d)(4)(h) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Parking at the Village Launch Pier |
August | 080612-01 | An Ordinance of the Village of Fontana adopting the Thirteenth Amendment to the Fontana Walworth Joint Sewerage Treatment Agreement Pursuant to WI Statutes 66.0301 (2007-2008) for the Joint Establishment, Operation and Administration of Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal |
September | 090412-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Re-Enacting Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code, Which is the Land Division Regulations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin |
September | 090412-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Re-Enacting Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code, Which is the Zoning Code, and the Official Zoning Map of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin |
October | 090412-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-32(m) and 18-81 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Minimum Interior Side Setback in the SR-5 District |
October | 100112-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-94(a)(b), 78-95, 78-96 through 78-97 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Authorized Fontana Water Utility Rates and the Water Service Rules Pursuant to Docket 2020-WQ-104 of the Public Service Commission dated July 16, 2012 |
October | 100112-03 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 34, Article I and III Fire Prevention and Protection: Creating 34-4, Amending 34-80(g), Amending for 34-79 and 34-87, and Renumbering 34-87 Thru 34-95 |
October | 100112-04 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-435 2(a) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Board of Police and Fire Commission |
November | 110512-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 6-21(b) IX of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Outdoor Service of Alcohol |
November | 111212-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2013 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2013 Fiscal Year |
December | 120312-01 | An Ordinance Amending Chapter 74-52 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Vehicles in the Park |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2011 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 011011-01 | An Ordinance to Impose a Temporary Moratorium or Stay on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Rezone, Land Division and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications on Village Properties |
January | 011011-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on Geneva Lake Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
January | 011011-03 | An Ordinance Further Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 Related to the Planned Development Zoning for The Abbey Springs Development |
February | 020711-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 30-7 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Authorizing Clerk to Reduce Number of Election Workers |
February | 020711-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 78-1 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Compulsory Connection to Sewer and Water |
February | 020711-04 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-161(d)(4) and Creating Section 54-161(h) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Launch Access Fees |
March | 030711-01 | An Ordinance of the Village of Fontana adopting the Twelfth Amendment to the Fontana Walworth Joint Sewerage Treatment Agreement Pursuant to WI Statutes 66.0301 (2007-2008) for the Joint Establishment, Operation and Administration of Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal |
May | 050211-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 74-6, 74-7, 74-8, 74-9, and 74-10 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Pay to Park Stations |
July | 070611-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 30-5 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Designation of New Municipal Election Wards |
August | 080111-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 34-43, Rapid Entry System Requirements |
August | 080111-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva lake Municipal Code Creating Fees for Patio, Driveway and Road Excavation Building and Inspection Fees |
September | 091211-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-281(o) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding No Parking Specific Areas |
September | 091211-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 54-87(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Existing Mooring Inventory |
October | 100311-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-125 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Establishing Mooring Buoy Requirements |
October | 100311-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 82.129 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Areas of Native Ground Cover |
November | 110711-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-42 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Firearms in Public Buildings |
November | 111411-01 | an Ordinance to Adopt the 2012 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2012 Fiscal Year |
December | 120511-01 | An Ordinance to Extend a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Rezone, Land Division and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications on Village Properties |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2010 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010410-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sec. 14-72(g) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
February | 020110-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-80(a) and 18-809C) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
March | 030110-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 74-281 of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding No Parking Specific Areas |
April | 040510-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 30-6 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Establishing Split Shifts for Election Workers |
April | 040510-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-39. 2-336, 2-338 and 2-341 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Park Commission Liaison |
April | 040510-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-7(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Open Intoxicants in Public Places Prohibited |
April | 040510-04 | an Ordinance Amending Section 42-42 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Dangerous Weapons and Firearms |
May | 050310-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 74-6, 74-7, 74-8, 74-9, 74-10, and 74-12 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Re. Parking Meter/Pay to Park Charges |
May | 050310-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-161(d)(4) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Launch Access Fees |
June | 060710-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Establishing Annual Rental Occupancy Fee/Rate |
June | 060710-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 74-281(m) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding No Parking Specific Areas |
June | 060710-03 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 17-7(7), 18-17, 18-33(c) and (d), 18-80(c), and 18-90(f) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Re. Prohibition of New Boat Houses |
June | 060710-04 | An Ordinance of the Village of Fontana Adopting the Eleventh Amendment to the Fontana Walworth Joint Sewerage Treatment Agreement Pursuant to WI Statutes 66.0301 (1999-2000) for the Joint Establishment, Operation and Administration of Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal and the Sixth Amendment to the Kikkoman Contract |
July | 070610-01 | Fueling Regulations Ordinance |
August | 080210-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-52(e) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Establishing a Penalty for Resisting, Obstructing and Refusing to Aid Officers Violations |
August | 080210-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 6-13(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Operator's Licenses |
August | 080210-03 | An Ordinance Creating Division 4, Sec. 14-121 through Sec. 14-130, Excavations, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
October | 100410-01 | An Ordinance Restricting the Parking of Vehicle and Trailer Combination in Excess of 22 Feet |
November | 110110-01 | An Ordinance to Amend the Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake in Walworth County, Wisconsin |
November | 110110-02 | An Ordinance Creating Sections 17-7(15) and 18-36 and Amending Section 18-17 and Repealing Section 18-99 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
November | 100110-03 | An Ordinance Ameding Section 54-2 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Establishing an Alternate Elected Official on GLLEA Board of Directors |
November | 111510-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2011 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2011 Fiscal Year |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2009 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010509-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 060302-03, Amending Ordinance 080601-01 Creating Section 30-5 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Adding the Designation of Municipal Election Wards |
February | 020209-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 50-6 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Public Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safety |
March | 030209-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-7(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Open Intoxicants in Public Places Prohibited |
April | 040609-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Extraterritorial Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
April | 040609-02 | Wind Energy System Ordinance |
April | 040609-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 66, Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places to Include a New Section 66-7, Dirt and Debris Removal of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
April | 040609-04 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-10 of the Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Truancy |
April | 040609-05 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-62 and 2-459(a) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Financial Control Policy for Administrator/Treasurer |
May | 050409-00 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-10 of the Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Truancy |
May | 050409-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-278(d)(3)(tt) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva lake Municipal Code Regarding the A-4 ETZ Zoning District |
May | 050409-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 42-10 of the Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Truancy |
May | 050409-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
May | 050409-04 | An Ordinance Amending Section 30-1 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Polling Hours |
May | 050409-05 | An Ordinance Revising Penalties for Disposal of Non-Recyclable Materials and for Unauthorized Use of Village Yard-Waste Disposal Site |
May | 050409-06 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding Sewer Use Rates |
June | 060109-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-311(c) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Cost Recovery |
June | 060109-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-79(e)(1) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
June | 060109-03 | An Ordinance Prohibiting Use of the Village Yard-Waste Disposal Site by Non-Residents or by Commercial Contractors |
July | 070609-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-28 (Natural Resource Conservation Ordinance) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
July | 070609-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-281 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding No Parking Specific Areas |
August | 080309-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-102(f)(2), 18-102(ff)(d) & (e), and 18-102(hh)(3)(c) Regarding the Floodplain Zoning Ordinance of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090809-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 Related to the Planned Development Zoning for the Abbey Springs Development |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2008 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010708-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 120504-01 and Previous Amendments Thereto Related to the Planned Development Zoning for the Abbey Springs Developement |
January | 010708-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-127(d) of the Municipal Code, Pertaining to Administrator's Duties |
January | 010708-03 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-336 & 2-341 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Park Commission |
February | 020408-01 | Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance |
February | 020408-02 | An Ordinance to Further Extend a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Land Divisions and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications for Lakefront Properties |
February | 020408-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18.95(g) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Minimum Setback in the C-4 Resort Commercial District |
February | 020408-04 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-221 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Arrowhead Drive |
February | 020408-05 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-63 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Harbor and Lakeshore Committee |
March | 030308-01 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 and Previous Amendments Thereto Related to the Planned Development Zoning for the Abbey Springs Development |
March | 030308-02 | An Ordinance of the Village of Fontana Adopting the Tenth Amendment to the Fontana Walworth Joint Sewerage Treatment Agreement Pursuant to WI Statutes 66.0301 (1999-2000) for the Joint Establishment, Operation and Administration of Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal and the Fifth Amendment to the Kikkoman Contract |
April | 040708-01 | An Ordinance Permitting and Regulating Neighborhood Electric Vehicles Within the Village of Fontana |
June | 060208-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-94(a)(b), 78-96 through 78-97 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Authorized Fontana Water Utility Rates and the Water Service Rules Pursuant to Docket 2020-WR-105 of the Public Service Commission Date May 1, 2008 |
June | 060208-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-254(b), 18-255(a) and 18-257(c) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Signage Definitions, Standards, Regulations and Restrictions |
July | 070708-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 54-161 (5)(4)and(5) and Section 54-165(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
July | 070708-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 34-42 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Creation of Fire Lanes |
July | 070708-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-281 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code to Add Section(j) Regarding No Parking on East Side of High Street |
July | 070708-04 | an Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Sections 34-76, 34-77, 34-78, 34-79, 34-80, 34-81, 34-82, 34-83, 34-87, 34-88, 34-89, 34-91, 34-92, 34-93, 34-94 and 39-95 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Fire Department Constitution and Bylaws |
July | 070708-05 | An Ordinance Repealing Section 74-221(d) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Arrowhead Drive Adopted 02-04-08 |
July | 070708-06 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-342 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Restricted Parking by Post Office |
September | 090208-01 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 18-17, 18-27(b)(4) and 18-80(c)(10) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Accessory Living Quarters |
November | 110308-01 | an Ordinance Amending Section 17-7(6)(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Land Division Regulations |
November | 111708-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2099 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Bidget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the the 2009 Fiscal Year |
December | 120108-01 | A General Ordinance of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory in the Town of Linn(and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
December | 120108-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54, Public Waters and Beaches, to Include a New Section, 168, Pertaining to Regulations for Lawn Fertilizer and Sales |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2007 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
February | 020507-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 74-20 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Riding of Bicycles on Sidewalks |
March | 030507-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding Sewer Use Rates |
March | 030507-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
April | 040207-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-28 (Natural Resource Conservation Ordinance) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
May | 050707-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Portions of Chapter 18 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
May | 050707-02 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 18.27(f)(1), Accessory Uses and Structures, of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Exceptions |
June | 060407-01 | A General Ordinance of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory in the Town of Linn (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
June | 060407-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
June | 060407-03 | An Ordinance to Adopt a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Land Divisions and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications for Lakefront Properties |
August | 080607-01 | An Ordinance Repealing Section 18-26(b)(6) and Sections 14-121 Through 14-129 and Creating Section 18-34 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
August | 080607-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Sec. 18-102 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |
September | 090407-01 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 42-122 of the Municipal Code to Create Additional Areas of No Smoking Within the Village of Fontana-on Geneva Lake |
September | 090407-02 | An Ordinance Amending the First Paragraph of Section 18-65 and 18-135 |
September | 090407-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-278 for the Extraterritorial Zoning District |
October | 100107-01 | An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. 080299-1 and Creating Section 18-103 and 18-34 for the Wellhead Protection Overlay Zoning District |
October | 100107-02 | An Ordinance to Extend a Temporary Moratorium on the Acceptance, Review and Approval of Land Divisions and Subdivision Applications and Condominium Plat Applications for Lakefront Properties |
November | 110507-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Three New Fees for the Zoning Table in the Schedule of Permit Fees |
November | 111907-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2008 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2008 Fiscal Year |
December | 120307-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 54-161(4)(f) of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana, Pertaining to Maximum Size Watercraft Allowed to Launch at the Village Launch Ramp |
December | 120307-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-27, Accessory Uses and Structures |
December | 120307-03 | An Ordinance Creating Section 18-35 of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Exterior lighting |
December | 120307-04 | An Ordinance Amending the Last Paragraph of Section 18-65(j) |
December | 120307-05 | Adult-Oriented Business Ordinance |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2006 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010506-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 58-31(5) and an Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 58-38(10)-(12) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Financial Policies and Procedures for the Village of Fontana Rescue Squad otherwise known as Fontana Emergency Medical Services |
January | 010406-02 | An Ordinance Creating Section 14-72 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Permits to Raze Buildings and Structures |
January | 010406-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 34-39 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Razing Old or Damaged Buildings |
February | 020706-00 | An Ordinance to Amend Sections 18-92(c) and 18-94(c) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Include Second-Floor Residential Uses Under the Conditional Use Permit Process |
February | 020706-01 | An Ordinance to Create Section 2-528(g) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Authorize Adjustment of Impact Fee |
February | 020706-02 | Natural Resource Conservation Ordinance |
February | 020706-03 | An Ordinance to Amend Sections 18-80(c), 18-82(c), 18-86(c), 18-88(c), 18-90(e), 18-92(c), 18-93(c) and 18-94(c) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Include Clear Cutting of a Parcel Under the Conditional Use Permit Process |
February | 020706-04 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 18-17, Specific Words and Phrases, of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Clear Cutting and Tree Diameter Definitions |
February | 020706-05 | An Ordinance to Amend Sections 18-92(c), 18-93(c) and 18-94(c) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Include Second-Floor Residential Uses Under the Conditional Use Permit Process |
March | 030706-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 78-227 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Grease Traps |
March | 030706-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-7(a) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Possession of Open Intoxicants in Public Places Prohibited |
March | 030706-03 | An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code Regarding Fontana Emergency Management |
March | 030706-04 | A General Ordinance of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory Owned by the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Located in the Town of Walworth (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
April | 040306-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
April | 040306-02 | An Ordinance Amending Sections 74-201(8) and 74-221(b) and (c) of the Village of Fontana on Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Lake Street |
April | 040306-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding Sewer Use Rates |
April | 040306-04 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
April | 040306-05 | An Ordinance Amending Section 17-7(3) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Design Standards |
April | 040306-06 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-17 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Definitions |
April | 040306-07 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-84(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the RS-3 Single Family Residential District |
April | 040306-08 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-86(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the RSA-1 Single Family Attached Residential District |
April | 040306-09 | An Ordinance Amending Article VII, Section 18-150 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Nonconforming Use, Structures, and Lots |
April | 040306-10 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-151 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Existing Nonconforming Buildings |
April | 040306-11 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-131 Through Section 78-136 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Private Well Abandonment |
April | 042006-01 | A General Ordinance of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory in the Town of Walworth (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
April | 042006-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontaa-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
May | 050106-01 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 18-27(b)(c) and (d), Accessory uses and structures, of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
May | 050106-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-94(a)(b), 78-96(a)(b) through 78-97(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code regarding the authorized Fontana Water Utility Rates and the Water Service Rules Pursuant to Docket 2020-WQ-102 of the Public Service Commission Dated April 20, 2006 |
May | 050106-03 | An Ordinance to Amend Sections 54-9, 54-86, 54-87, 54-124, 54-126, Article V., and Sections 54-162, 54-163, 54-164, and 54-165 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
June | 060506-01 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 74-12(a) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
June | 060506-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-151 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Existing Nonconforming Buildings |
July | 071006-01 | An Ordinance to Amend 42-44, Pertaining to Fireworks, of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
August | 080706-01 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 54-161(1)(c) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
August | 080706-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 2-610 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding Capital Improvement Referendum |
August | 080706-03 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 42-121(b) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
September | 090506-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 2-37(a) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Monthly Meeting Date of the Village Board of Trustees |
November | 110606-01 | A General Ordinance of The Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory in the Town of Walworth (and accompanying zoning map) |
November | 110606-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-2 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Penalty for Violation of Chapter |
November | 110606-03 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 42-121(b) of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code |
November | 110606-04 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
November | 112006-02 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 121504-01 and Ordinance No. 120605-03 Related to the Planned Development Zoning for the Abbey Springs Development |
November | 112006-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2007 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budget and Tax Levy, and Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2007 Fiscal Year |
December | 120406-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
Here you can review ordinances passed in 2005 that have not yet been codified in the Municode online system.
January | 010505-01 | An Ordinace Amending the Village of Fontan-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
February | 020705-01 | An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Section 10-6(b) of the Municipal Code Regarding Dogs on the Beach and the Removal of Fecal Matter |
March | 030705-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 42-1 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Adoption State Statue 947.0125: Illegal Use of Computerized Communications |
March | 030705-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a new schedule for building and inspection fees |
April | 040405-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance and Accompanying Zoning Map |
April | 040405-02 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 54 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Public Waters and Beaches |
April | 040405-03 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 6 of the Municipal Code of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Regarding Liquor Licensing |
April | 040405-04 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 78-254 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Codes Regarding Sewer User Rates |
May | 050205-01 | An Ordinance repealing and recreating Section 2-206 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code Regarding the composition of the Architectural Control Board |
June | 060605-01 | The Village Board of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows |
June | 062705-01 | An Ordinance repealing and recreating Section 78-97(a)(b), 78-96(a)(b) through 78-97(f) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code regarding the authorized Fontana water utility rates and the water service rules pursuant to Docket 2020-WQ-101 of the Public Service Commission dated June 20, 2005 |
July | 071105-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.67 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Permit Lapes |
July | 071105-02 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.96 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Building Permits and Inspections |
August | 080105-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 74-383 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Closing of Lake Street |
August | 080105-02 | An Ordinance Amending Section 18-17 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Specific Words and Phrases, Building Height Definition |
August | 080105-03 | An Ordinance Amending Section 78.226 to Include Subsection (o) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding Use of the Public Sewers |
September | 091205-00 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-2 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding State Traffic Laws Adopted |
September | 091205-01 | An Ordinance Amending Section 74-2 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding State Traffic Laws Adopted |
September | 091205-02 | An Ordinance to Amend Section 34-3 of the Village of Fontana Municipal Code to Define Recreational Fires |
September | 091205-03 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 14.65 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding a New Schedule for Building and Inspection Fees |
October | 100206-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 18-21 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code |
October | 100305-01 | An Ordinance of the Village of Fontana adopting the ninth amendment to the Fontana Walworth Joint Sewerage Treatment Agreement Pursuant to WI Statutes 66.0301 (1999-2000) for the Joint Establishment, Operation and Administration of Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal and the Fourth Amendment to the Kikkoman Contract |
October | 102405-01 | An Ordinance Amending the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Zoning Ordinance (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
November | 110105-01 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Section 2-37(a) of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Monthly Meeting Date of the Village Board of Trustees |
November | 110105-02 | An Ordinance Amending the Boundaries of the Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Pursuant to Section 62.23(7a) Wis. Stats. |
November | 112105-01 | An Ordinance to Adopt the 2006 Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Budge and Tax Levy, and to Appropriate the Necessary Funds for the Governmental and Administrative Operations of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake for the 2006 Fiscal Year |
December | 120605-01 | An Ordinance Creating Section 23-3 of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Municipal Code Regarding the Community Development Authority |
December | 120605-02 | A General Ordinance of the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake Annexing Certain Territory in the Town of Walworth (and Accompanying Zoning Map) |
December | 120605-03 | An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-15-04-1 Relating to the Planned Development Zoning in Place for the Abbey Springs Development |
December | 120605-04 | An Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Sec. 18-102 and Sec. 18-376 and Repealing Sec. 18-103 of the Municipal Code for the Village of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake |